This app fills in the gap that the PushBullet team left, and it’s certainly a good thing that the app also fits in with the Yosemite design.
There are, however, a few minor issues that prevent it from receiving a perfect score. First, the Delete key cannot be used in the app to delete pushes. Also, copy and paste functionality isn’t implemented. The box for inputting a text message doesn’t move on to the next line when your words fill up the first line, instead it keeps scrolling to the right (think Notepad instead of Word), in fact, there is no way to move on to the next line even if you tried (like pressing enter or shift+enter).
These are not major issues for me, though probably will be for some. Please do fix these issues and the app will be great.
Dave86510 about PushPal - for PushBullet, v2.2